Authority by Peter Morville

In Peter Moville’s article Authority, he talks about the rise of Wikipedia, how Google first created folksonomy, and how power and authority has shifted due to these phenomena.

This Is The Participation Age

“What’s the next big thing?” everyone started asking back at the turn of the century – after the internet really hit it big. After the dot-com boom had come and crashed and crept back up again. When the world started to realize that the internet was here to stay, that it was a part of […]

JotSpot Live

Man, I wish I had this in college. Take a look at real-time collaborative notetaking with JotSpot Live.

ThinkFree Office Online: Office for Free

ThinkFree Office Online is a free online version of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Integrate with your blog service of choice, access your documents anywhere, and convert your documents to PDF, all from withing your browser – for free. The prophecy is coming true: more and more applications are moving to the web, being offered […]

Emily Chang – eHub

Emily Chang has collected hundreds of links to sites that are revolutionizing the web. This is a list to pay attention to. Web 2.0 is here, and there’s excitement in the air. Subscribe to Emily’s RSS feed and stay up to date. eHub will definitely be added to my feed aggregator.


Create personal search engines using only the sources you trust. Link courtesy of Seth Godin, who says ROLLYO is a perfect example of Web 2.0, which must combine: 1. large scale audiences with high bandwidth 2. no need to explain what you’re doing 3. lots of tools you can use to build your app so […]


Check out Netvibes! It’s still in beta development, but I love the simple AJAX design. This is just like Google’s personalized page or a My Yahoo! page. I wonder how many more of these dashboard-like pages we’re going to see in the near future.

Yahoo! Publisher Network

Yahoo! has opened their Publisher Network to the broader publisher community. Another attempt by Yahoo! to take over the internet. Some of the benefits will be a seamless integration with other Yahoo! technologies, like Yahoo! Ads and My Yahoo! RSS feeds. I wonder how this will tie into their beta Yahoo! 360 program?