Flash Papervision3D Quake MD2 Model Viewer

I’ve recently been working in Papervision3D with some MD2 avatars. Since the MD2 format was originally designed for Quake II, I figured there were no better models to use than the actual game models. I’ll be releasing the code in a thorough tutorial on how to accomplish this, but in the meantime, you can see […]

Open Source 3D

Lately I’ve been playing around with Blender, an open source 3D modeling and animation application, and I have to say I’m pleasantly surprised. Virtually anything that can be realized in commercial 3D programs can be done in Blender. I’ll be posting some tutorials soon on some of the techniques I’ve found useful within Blender and […]

1st Ave Machine

Machine meets life. 1st Ave Machine is a NYC based CGI VFX/Animation Studio and Production Company. I’m gonna to be looking out for any plants with glossy black lenses from now on.