Jersey Shore Tech Meetup Presentation

I presented “You Already Know How To Build Mobile Apps” at the Jersey Shore Tech Meetup last night. Attendees learned how to build native mobile applications for multiple devices using alternative web technologies. You can download the presentation in PDF form here.

RAD Model View Controller Demo

About RAD The Rapid ActionScript Development package lets developers get up and running with a lightweight flexible framework quickly and painlessly. Many developers are already using a model-view-controller framework. The RAD MVC package supplies a very clear set of abstract classes that will help any developer get up and running as fast as possible with […]

RAD Updated

I’ve updated the Rapid ActionScript Development package on Google Code. This update includes greater flexibility for the model-view-controller classes. This makes it even easier for both designers and hard-core programmers to use the framework. Stay tuned for a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the MVC feature of the RAD package. RAD is available as […]

Rapid ActionScript Development Package Released

The RAD package has been born. This is a collection of ActionScript classes that I use often in my work. In the future I plan on posting a number of tutorials with examples of their use. I’ve added the full MVC design pattern and several Papervision3D utility classes. As I go through and clean up […]

Creating a Platform Game

If you’ve ever wanted to build a Flash version of Super Mario Bros., has a great tutorial on how to build a simple platform game in Flash.

SEPY : The Ultimate ActionScript Editor

Most heavy-duty ActionScripting is done in external *.as files, and it’s a good idea to use an editor outside of Flash to program in ActionScript. I’ve been using SEPY now for over a year, and it is by far the best ActionScript editor around. Some features include auto completion for Flash functions, a Class browser, […]