Flash Papervision3D Quake MD2 Model Viewer

I’ve recently been working in Papervision3D with some MD2 avatars. Since the MD2 format was originally designed for Quake II, I figured there were no better models to use than the actual game models. I’ll be releasing the code in a thorough tutorial on how to accomplish this, but in the meantime, you can see […]

RAD Updated

I’ve updated the Rapid ActionScript Development package on Google Code. This update includes greater flexibility for the model-view-controller classes. This makes it even easier for both designers and hard-core programmers to use the framework. Stay tuned for a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the MVC feature of the RAD package. RAD is available as […]


Deceptively simple, deceptively addicting. Jenova Chen’s Flow is the result of his MFA thesis.

Flashforward Finalists

The Flashforward Finalists are here. It’s going to take me a while to get through all the great Flash sites listed as finalists, but what I’ve seen so far has been fantastic. The winners in each category will be announced on March 1st at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center.

LIFE – Sodoku

You may or may not like the puzzle game Sodoku, but you can’t deny the fact that this online Flash game by LIFE is extremely well executed. I love the friendly look and feel, the subtle little animations, and the nicely designed icons.


It’s Whizzball!!! I’m addicted.

Flash Game Programming Wiki

Interested in developing Flash games? Take a look at the Flash Game Programming Wiki, dedicated to game programming and development with Macromedia Flash.

Flash Video: The Most Widely Accepted Online Video

Macromedia Flash content reaches 97.3% of internet viewers. If you can watch a website with Flash, you can watch Flash Video. Why publish video online in any other format? Macromedia shamelessly flaunts their stats.

Simple Image Search

Airtight Interactive has just published Simple Image Search, an excellent example of using Flash to create a better web application. AI decided to use Yahoo! image search instead of Google because of its easy-to-use API. The only functionality that’s missing from the Flash version is a way to go back to your previous search, but […]

FLY Pentop Computer

There’s some excellent use of the new Flash video capabilities at the FLY Pentop Computer website. And besides all the great Flash work, I want that toy!