Tag Cloud Is Up for craigphares.com

I’ve finally gone through and tagged each post in my blog. This should make it much easier to explore posts according to interest. Currently, the most popular posts are Flash and Games.

craigphares.com Has a New Look!

The facelift is only the beginning… Get ready for good things to come. If you’re looking for old blog posts, please be patient – I’m adding them back into the system.

Expect Something New

Things are changing at craigphares.com. Keep an eye out for May 1st.

Craig’s Blog Publishes 200th Post

I realize that the frequency of posts to this website has tapered off in the last few months. It’s been a crazy busy year so far, and it doesn’t look to be slowing down any time soon. However, I have managed to write my 200th post. It seems like just yesterday I wrote my 100th […]

The Youngest Kid In The Room

Last night, I presented a lecture about multimedia design to a group of art students and their parents at Mount Olive High School, and before I started I asked who in the room had ever built a website. After a brief pause, where no hands were to be seen, the youngest kid in the room […]

Craig’s Blog Publishes 100th Post

Wow! I’ve made it to my 100th post since launching this blog in April. This is quite a feat considering how most blogs don’t last longer than two weeks. Thank you to all who have been paying attention.

New Work Is Up!

New work is finally up! Enjoy, there’s more to come.

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to Craaaaaiiiiiggggg. Happy birthday to me.

Back From Europe

Two weeks and it seems like a lifetime. We whisked through Madrid, Munich, Regensberg, and Berlin. Bonding with my blood. Sharing my soul with perfect strangers. Running, and drawing, and dancing, and kissing, and talking, and drinking, and soaking everything in. Its timing was perfect – never did I need a holiday so badly. Hit […]